Autism and Education – How Does it Affect Your Child’s Education?

Autism is a disorder that affects the entire person and most often lasts for the lifetime of the person that it affects. Specifically this disorder affects one’s ability to create emotions, memories, sensory abilities, non-verbal communication skills and much more. It affects one in one hundred and fifty individuals of all races and social status; and tends to affect more boys than it does girls.A common description that I have heard among professionals is that many people who suffer from autism can think thoughts but cannot vocalize those same thoughts.Key Symptoms Include the Following:Repetitive Behavior – For example, a young child may seem unusually fixated on a particular toy, constantly arranging objects in a specific way or obsessive about certain things.Lack of Social Interaction – Another symptom is in the area of relationships. Research has found that people who suffer with autism are usually ‘socially unaware’. This means that they are oblivious to the feelings of people around them.Verbal and Nonverbal Communication – By nature, autism is a neurobiological disorder. Hence it affects the manner in which the brain converts thoughts into words. Therefore, a child might be thinking of an answer to a question, but vocalizing it becomes a very difficult task! Non-verbal communication is difficult for many of us who are considered “normal”, so imagine what it must be for one who has difficulty connecting with their emotions – let alone the emotions of others!Limited interests in activities or play – For example, a child might focus on a part of a toy instead the whole toy or play a specific tune on a toy over and over again, rather than play the twenty-nine other tunes on the toy. Also the need for a rigid routine would mean that any new activities are met with resistance.Tell Tale Signs
During early childhood it is not uncommon for parents to have troubling instincts about certain behaviors that their child may display – for example they may not want to be held, don’t look people in the eye, have delayed speech, lack of interest in games or what I call ‘super repetitive play” – where the child only seems interested in one toy – ever, etc. As both a parent and a teacher (as well as one who has an autistic half-sister), please, please, please follow your instincts.Nobody knows your child the way you do, so if your pediatrician says “wait and see” yet you feel strongly that your child needs to be evaluated – do what YOU feel needs to be done. Parents that I have heard from have mentioned some of the following as red flags that got them concerned – their child was ‘not pointing’,'not giving them eye contact’, didn’t seem to be ‘able to focus’, ‘unaware of their surroundings’ or as one lady put it “I just don’t feel like she is connecting with me”.Early Intervention
Early intervention, especially in the pre-school years has been proven (by researchers) to, in many cases improve social, cognitive and communication skills – especially if it is in an educational setting that is tailored to meet the needs of a child with special needs. Remember, for some children, the earlier the intervention, the better!Types Of Autism
A spectrum has been created for autism which makes it possible for the medical profession to accurately diagnose the disorder. The disorders range from mild (Asperger Syndrome) to severe (Autistic Disorder) and can be diagnosed by the age of three and sometimes as early as eighteen months. Autism Spectrum Disorders are categorized based on the degree of impairment that the sufferer encounters in the following areas;o Communication Skillso Social Interactiono Restricted Patterns of BehaviorAsperger’s Syndrome
In 1940, Hans Asperger’s described a set of behavioral symptoms that occurred mostly in his male patients. They all seemed to have normal intelligence and language development, yet they had poor co-ordination and communication skills. In addition their social skills were very noticeably lacking.
Typical symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome include the child being diagnosed much later in life than with typical autism – usually between the ages of five through nine. In addition they are known to have limited facial expressions, obsessive behavior, poor social interactions, difficulty reading the body language of others, odd speech patterns and obsessive routines.In addition to the above, symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome include an unusual sensitivity to sensory stimulii such as lights (that others will not notice as being too bright) or sounds (that others might barely be able to hear.Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder or CDD was discovered by a special educator by the name of Theodore Heller. Children with CDD are said to develop a disorder that resembles autism, but only after two to four years of normal development. In other words, the children unexplainably seem to regress. They lose their language skills,their toileting and self care abilities, their interest in the environment, etc. While the disorder begins to look exactly like autism, the history is very different.Symptoms include increased risk of seizures as well as the symptoms of autism.Rett Syndrome
Rett Syndrome was first diagnosed in 1954 by Dr Andreas Rett, an Austrian Pediatrician. It is a developmental disorder that has a greater tendency to occur in girls more than it does boys. It is caused by mutations on the X chromosome on a gene called MECP2. Symptoms include normal development until six to eighteen months after which there is after which there is a stagnation or slowing down of skills. Following the stagnation, there is a period of regression when the child looses their communication skills and eventually all purposeful use of their hands. Symptoms that follow include the stereotypical hand washing movement, seizures, slowing of normal head growth and disorganized breathing patterns.The disorder can be confirmed with a simple blood test.Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified
Otherwise known as PDD – NOS, is a condition on the spectrum in which one person doesn’t act like another with the same disorder. In other words, John may display some symptoms, while Mary may display something totally different. Also they may often be subject to the same key symptoms, but may be in varying degrees.Due to the very nature of PDD – NOS (meaning that there are no strict symptoms because they vary from one child to another), PDD-NOS is very difficult to diagnose and is therefore often misdiagnosed. Treatment also has to be very specific to the needs of the person in question and may often include alternative therapies such as martial arts and music.Autistic Disorder or Classic Autism
Is sometimes referred to as ‘mind-blindedness’ – referring to the need to be in their own world, lack of social interaction and, limited ability to communicate, a display of repetitive behaviors and distress over changes – no matter how small. Children (or adults, for that matter) who suffer from classic autism are not considered to be “high functioning”.How Does Autism Affect Your Child’s Education?
In many cases, the ‘autistic child’ will be required to be in Special Education classes – where teachers are trained to understand how to deal with the symptoms, autistic tendencies and other disorders. While “inclusion” is the new buzz word in special education, I find that children with severe autism do not usually benefit from it. However I have seen children with autism benefit and even excel in certain subjects; for example, I was observing a business computing class once where the code html was being taught. During a test, the teacher deliberately placed errors in part of the code for the students to correct and re-write. Well there was a young man in the class who corrected the teacher before the test began – and he had Asperger’s Syndrome. His ‘obsessive behavior’ worked out to his advantage – it converted into ‘attention to detail’ resulting in him becoming an outstanding website designer.Weaknesses can be turned to strengths sometimes – and I hope that they will for your child.(c) Copyright Lydia Riddle 2009

Why Consider Network Marketing As Our Home-Based Business?

We are not asking that anyone get involved in network marketing and change everything immediately. We are however, suggesting that people consider the addition of the right home-based Network Marketing business starting their journey of financial success in a different direction. Having a home-based business is not a new concept. Network Marketing is not a new concept. Having a home-based Network Marketing business is not a new concept. However, never in the history of our country has the concept been so prevalent and is fast becoming the norm rather than the exception!The reason is very simple. Our concept is providing American’s with what they want; control of their time and financial opportunities proportionate to their abilities and effort. With the right home-based Network Marketing business, one has all of the benefits and advantages of a home-based business and unlimited financial opportunity usually associated with a large traditional business.Employees and Debt
Rather than having several employees working with other employees under one roof for the benefit of someone else’s company, with Network Marketing, we have a bunch of home-based business owners, working under their own roof, networking with other home-based business owners, all working for their own companies. This concept provides an incentive and opportunity of multiplication and duplication for each home-based business owner equal to or greater than that of the owners of traditional businesses with multiple employees and locations, with out all the hassles associated with traditional businesses! It requires no debt, no employees and no complicated administrative procedures. With Network Marketing, we work with and for other people and other people work with and for us.What is Network Marketing?
When you purchase a product or service, usually over 50% of the retail cost is associated with marketing! That would be any cost associated with getting someone to buy the product plus any cost incurred once it is produced by the factory. With Network Marketing, the products are shipped directly to the consumer from the factory. Those monies normally associated with marketing are paid to several home-based Network Marketing businesses owners which had previous network marketing or internet marketing influence in the referral of the customer!Are the products less expensive?
Most customers will not buy inferior products and there is limited benefit to paying a little less for a product on the short run. Let’s assume that you sold yourself a product, ordered it from a Network Marketing company and in return the company paid you a 50% commission or rebate. In effect you’ve saved 50% on the products you purchased. That may save you a few dollars. Although saving money is important, the concept of earning money on products that we are already buying is far more exciting.The concept is to redistribute the marketing dollar!Imagine having a network of thousands of customers purchasing quality products or services each month where you receive a few dollars per month for each customer! Remember, these are products or services that we are all already buying, or should be, and this is money that is normally paid to others. In essence, the simple process of referring other customers who also refer other customers to a Network Marketing company, presents an opportunity for a redistribution of the wealth to you and I, the consumer!Traditional Marketing versus Network Marketing
A traditional company would typically have a Vice President of Marketing with several regional managers reporting directly to them. Those regional managers would recruit, hire, train and manage several area managers who, in turn, would each recruit, hire, train and manage several sales representatives. The sales representatives are then responsible for selling the company’s products or services.Plotted on a piece of paper, the shape of the traditional organization would look like a triangle or pyramid. It’s quite obvious that the higher the level the higher the pay and that there is less room at the top for advancement. It is also evident that it is mathematically impossible for each and every sales representative or employee to rise to the top regardless of how good a job they do!The Difference
First and foremost, Network Marketing is different. Each individual starts at exactly the same level – at the top of their own organization, has exactly the same opportunity as everyone else and is compensated in directly proportion to the activity or success that they have had an influence in generating. Secondly, one doesn’t need to be a sales person to reap the level of financial benefits normally associated with company owners, sales managers and marketers. Thirdly, in Network Marketing we work with, when and for whom we choose. And last but not least, different than in a traditional company, we only work for ourselves and those whose activity generates income for us! We may also choose to work with those which we are generating income for, because, in most cases, they don’t make money unless we do.How does it work?
In Network Marketing, there are customers and also independent representatives who operate as a home-based business. The customers may also be independent reps. Independent reps can earn management positions if they so desire. Different than in traditional business, each independent representative is given the opportunity and responsibility of both recruiting customers and other independent representatives. Each independent representative is owner, president, and vice-president of marketing for their own home-based network Marketing business.Network Marketing is a word of mouth business. By spreading the word, the network marketing marketer identifies others who desire to be customers and or independent representatives (home-based business owners). The independent rep helps those newly recruited independent reps build their own home based business by helping them identify other customers and independent reps who desire to own their own home based network Marketing business. In a mature organization, it is normal for there to be 50-100+ customers for each customer/independent representative that you personally refer! Through this duplication and multiplication process each home based business owner can recruit and sponsor a few customers and/or independent representatives and, as a result, generate a sizable organization of consumers and marketers.Referring
Does this sound like a foreign and awkward activity to you? How many people have you referred to your favorite restaurant or to your favorite movie. How many more have gone because the people you told enjoyed the restaurant or movie and told someone else who went? How much did you get paid? We are all already referring customers everyday! It is just that most of us don’t get paid for it.The question is not whether we refer customers, the question is whether we are getting paid for the activity!In network Marketing, customer/independent reps receive an income for “marketing” the products for the company simply by referring other customers! Normally, we receive compensation through 5 – 10 generations of this duplication activity. In addition, there are usually additional performance and leaderships bonus compensation structures! Assuming an association with the right company: Network Marketing is the one of the very few processes I know of where you will earn in network marketing relation to your ability and effort with virtually unlimited potential! Although most people are looking only for a few hundred or few thousand of supplemental monthly income, I personally know, know of, or have met a substantial number of people who earn several tens of thousands of dollars per month from their home-based network Marketing business!Choosing a Safe Business Opportunity
Once it has been determined that a home-based business is appropriate, and further determined that a home-based Network Marketing business is even more appropriate, the real difficulty is in determining which network Marketing opportunities to become involved in. Without experience in the industry, unless you’re extremely lucky, it is next to impossible to pick a winner on the first try! Unfortunately, it seems that experience in the industry is not always sufficient for the proper evaluation of a network Marketing opportunity. As is the case with traditional business, there are good opportunities and bad opportunities. As is the case with traditional business, unfortunately many people let their emotions cloud their rational judgement when it comes to evaluating a network Marketing company and/or business opportunity!Evaluation Process
There are certain criteria which must be used rationally when one does an evaluation. Technically, these could be divided into two categories: absolutely necessary characteristics and desirable characteristics. For me, the desirable characteristics are also necessary, therefore, I will not distinguish between the two and will address them in no particular order.Competent Company Management Team
Normally it is very difficult for us to know any more about the network Marketing company’s management team than what they tell us themselves. The evaluation of the management team only becomes an issue with a new company! If a company has been in business three to five years with a well documented and stable growth record, we really don’t need to waste our time. New network Marketing companies are starting up at a higher rate than ever before. It seems that every person who has ever been successful at network Marketing wants their own company. Surprise, running a network Marketing company is traditional business and new network Marketing companies fail at near the same rate as traditional businesses!Age of the CompanyThe most common mistake made by the masses is getting emotionally tied up in the “ground floor opportunity” pitch which caters to our “greed” and the “fear of loss”! If a person is determined to get involved with a new network Marketing company, they should do so because they understand totally the market for the product(s) and the experience of the management team. Being on the ground floor is usually not best because a majority of new companies will fail. Even if the new company does succeed, there will be many adjustments and changes during the initial growth and there usually is a lack of proven marketing procedures, materials, and training support. The attrition rate is usually much higher during those first years because most individuals are not emotionally flexible enough to accept the changes and turmoil. A network Marketing company experiences four basic phases of growth and market penetration. The risk of the company failing during phase one (usually first 3-5 years) is 10-20 time greater than in phase two. Contrary to popular belief, it usually is far better to be involved with a network Marketing company after they’re entered phase two. The risk of their failure is negligible. Their success indicates that their products are acceptable and that their marketing procedures and materials work! Then, either fortunately or unfortunately, our success depends only on ourselves!Remember, the Vehicle must never be the limiting element in our success!No Major investment
With the right network Marketing opportunity, one should be able to start their own home-based business for hundreds of dollars, rather than the normal thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of dollars usually associated with other traditional businesses which have any serious financial potential!No Inventory, No Receivables, and No Collections
I will not spend time on these. If you have ever experienced them as an owner, they need no explanation.No Employees
Employees require a tremendous obligation from the business owner; mentally, emotionally and financially. With network Marketing, other independent distributors in our organization, while working their own home-based business, supply the same benefit to us as employees would to a traditional business. We have no payroll, no benefit overhead, no space requirement, and no management duties other than a moral obligation to help others in their business just as others will help us.Residual Income – Persistency
Unless you have been a successful network marketer, insurance agent or marketer, author or actor, it is really difficult to understand the tremendous benefit of residual income.Starting on a part- time basis, a sincere person or couple with desire and persistence can, within a three-to- five year period, build a meaningful residual income to last a lifetime and then some.Building a residual income is a little like flying a big jet. It takes a significant amount of fuel to get it off the ground, but once it has reached altitude, it can throttle back and fly on a fraction of the fuel needed for takeoffs. The big difference is that a residual income can “fly” seemingly forever with a little refueling along the way. The income stream can be passed from generation to generation.All the other benefits of network Marketing, such as control, opportunity, and flexibility are important, but Residual Income is the essence of network Marketing!Experience has taught me that many more people propose to have Desire and Persistence than actually demonstrate it. The purpose for this communique is to identify Individuals who sincerely want more Success in their life but don’t seem to have the right Vehicle for their journey. If you are one of the few, then I invite you to investigate a home-based network Marketing business opportunity which would allow me to work with you and for you, in order that we both achieve our Success goals. If any of this makes any sense to you and you would like more information, use if for your success. If you would like a bio on my experience and qualifications, just ask. Thank you for your time, your most valuable asset!

Creating Your Ultimate Gathering and Entertaining Space

Creating a unique space for family gathering and entertaining in your home is fun and rewarding. You have probably noticed when visiting friends and family that each recreation space is unique and reflects the owner’s design taste with a sense of whimsy. There is no wrong design for a recreation space whether it is the family room or a basement area. This is your space to let you and your family’s personality and design style come through. With the multitude of furniture, games, and decorative art and accessories available on the internet; getting the right pieces is as simple and easy as click and go. The best way to begin is to simply look carefully at the area you have chosen to create your entertainment space. Note permanent fixtures such as doors or stairs that will affect how you place your decorative items. A sketch may be helpful.Next, consider the decorating theme for the area. A family discussion over dinner often leads to some unique ideas. You may want to use a theme based on a country or culture you like; such as, Italian, Hawaiian, The Far East, or a Caribbean Motif. You may want to build your theme on a particular era such as the Wild West, or an English Pub (Often works well when you have a lower ceiling as in many English Pubs.) A more formal Victorian Era look may fit your style, or perhaps the exciting night life of a Vegas Lounge. If you like wine, why not go for a Wine Cellar look. If you lean towards beer; posters and steins from around the world create a relaxed and fun feeling. Another simple motif is the Sports Bar. This is also one that easily becomes a family project. Sports posters and photos of your favorite teams and players with other sports memorabilia create the mood and feel often focused on a large TV where family and friends can meet and enjoy their favorite teams. When considering your decorative items, make sure you allow enough free space around game tables or the TV for everyone to enjoy without the feeling of being cramped. As you can see, there is almost unlimited ambiance that you can create with a little thought and planning.Simply consider the area’s space, layout, and feel, your family’s inclinations, and how the theme that you will create will interface with the balance of your home decor. With a little imagination, the correct wall paint colors, readily available decorative accessories, you will create an entertaining area the whole family will enjoy and flock to.